Monday, October 01, 2012

Here we go again!

I'm currently taking an e-course about creative businesses with Kelly Rae Roberts, and am in the process of re-imagining my blog. I set it aside about a year ago because, quite frankly, I didn't know what or why I was writing. I felt like I was just another addition to the often noisy and overloaded Internet. Who needed to hear what I had to say? Why did I want to spend my time at my computer?

But, screw that. This is my "WHY?"

I love dance. I love improvising. I love collaboration.

I am really getting into photography.  I'm a damn good baker.

But, I really LOVE sharing. I get super inspired by other people's stories, so why not think the same of my own?

So, with that said, I am reminded of Ray Charles' song "Here We Go Again, " which I used in a dance once.

Here we go!