Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Making Performance Space into Pulic Space

Yesterday in my Producing class we were talking about the open-door policy of S.L.A.M, which is the rehearsal/performance space for STREB. I love this idea of making a performance space into a public space. Anyone can literally walk in the door, watch a rehearsal, take a class, eat their lunch, and use their wifi. How cool is that?

I've been thinking of ways that public spaces could be used as performance spaces, but this is sometimes difficult for dancers. Our dancing environment needs to support our bodies...and concrete floors hurt after awhile. can a space that is funcional for dancing and movment be useful to the public? 

Here's a rehearsal video providing a sneak preview of the "whizzing gizmo."


  1. We totally need a whizzing gizmo. I wanna put Monkey inside it!

  2. thanks for posting this. we are talking about exciting things we can do with our dance exchange space and this is an interesting model!
