Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Banter is officially under Surveillance.

Hi everyone,
I’m Bethany and I’m really excited to be a contributor to MakeDanceHere. I can has blog? Thanks a gazillion, Lily. Wooty woot, ya’ll!

Now down to business.
It’s time to launch…

Operation: Banter Space Data Collection (BSDC).

Banter is officially under Surveillance.

You can HELP US OUT by completing one of the following missions. Or both, if you are super awesome. And we think you’re super awesome!

Mission I: Social Surveillance

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to visit Banter and watch people. If you feel brave, you could even talk to people. But first notice…
Are people alone? In couples? Groups? Young? Old? On computers? Reading? Eating? Talking? What are they talking about? Do they look friendly? What are they wearing? Are they blinking, singing, swaying, sneaking, underwater basket weaving? Do you see someone who moves or speaks in an interesting way?
We want any information you can gather. A-N-Y.
But if you need more structure, try this…
1. Tell us about who you see. Clothes. Age. What they are doing. Who they are with.
2. Tell us about the conversations you hear. Content or just random words.
3. Try to make a friend by telling someone you don’t know what you’re doing for the project and see if they’ll help you. It’s always amazing to see what other people notice that you might not.

Mission II: Sensory Surveillance

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to visit Banter with all senses on high. How does this space look, sound, smell?
What textures do you find? How do they feel?
How can you find new ways to look at and hear and feel the space?
Did you get a sandwich? A beer? Tell us how it tasted.
You can focus on the entire space or perhaps one small section of the café.
You are welcome to give us as much information as possible.
We’re happy to sift through it.

You can do these missions separately or all at once.
We’re doing the missions too, of course, but we’re really interested in what you find.
Like we said in Mission I, it’s always amazing to see what other people notice that you might miss.

Good Luck, Soldier.

1 comment:

  1. Chunky, soft, orange/pink/red tomato basil soup. lukewarm with a hint of cucumber.
